Osteopathy Osteopathy is a consolidated health care system that is
based on manual contact for the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of various diseases.
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Osteopathy Osteopathy is a consolidated health care system that is
based on manual contact for the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of various diseases.
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Prevent rather than cure. If in pain, naturally resolve Your disconfort.

Osteopathic prevention improves the quality of Your life and Your general health conditions. Its focus is the person, You, behind the pathology. Osteopathy, as a drug-free and non-invasive manual therapy, treats the causes of the functional alterations of Your body, wich manifest themselves in pain and imbalance.

Osteopathic Approach

Structural Approach
Musculoskeletal System
Application of particular maneuvers of the joints and muscles. It has not only mechanical effects, but especially biochemincal, as it stimulates the correct exchange of fluids within the treated structures. It may include the use of HVLA techniques, if necessary. The High-Velocity, Low-Amplitude is a corrective and direct technique, which is directed toward the restrictive (pathological) barrier.
Fascial Approach
Myofascial System
Techniques aimed at the muscle or fascia, which employ continuous palpatory feedback to obtain a relaxation of the myofascial tissues. These tecniques act on the fascia and its relationship between musculoskeletal disorders, pain and tension and the global state of the fascia.
Visceral Approach
Visceral System
Techniques that restore the mobility and motility (expression of cellular vitality) of an organ. These techniques allow the organ to be stimulated towards proper digestive funcion, absorption or expulsion, both in a more mechanical and biochemical context.
Cranial Approach
Craniosacral System
Thechniques that act on the congruence movement between bones of the skull, going to act at the bone level, as well as the nervous, meningeal and cephalorachidian liquor levels. These techniques act in particular on the vitality of the organism, a fundamental quality that allows living beings to react effectively to disturbance events from the external and internal environment.