Musculoskeletal System
Scoliosis, neck pain, back pain, hernias, rib and intercostal pain, osteoarthritis, coccyx pain, tendinitis and bursitis, joint/ muscle pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, scars, distortions, whiplash and any pain resulting from trauma.
Neurological System
Pain with radiation, sciatica, cruralgie, lumbalgia, cervicalgia, facial neuralgia, some neuropathologies
Neurovegetative System
Headaches, migrains, dizziness, stress, anxiety, depression, irritability, sleep disturbances, feeling of oppression.
Circulatory System
Swelling of the lower and upper limbs, throbbing feelings, venous congestion, hemorrhoids, heart palpitations, some arterial hypertension, tachycardia, cardiovascular and post surgery pain, digestive / gastrointestinal system, gastritis, hiatal hernia, reflux / gastroesophageal regurgitation, digestive disorders, hepato-vesicular disorders,colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, diarrhea
Genitourinary System
Incontinence, menopausal disorders, menstrual disorders, cystitis, infertility, referred pain in the lower abdomen, pain during intercourse
Otolaryngology System
Rhinitis, sinusitis, tinnitus, asthma disorders, swallowing problems, mandibular and occlusal problems
Infantile and pedriatric osteopathy
Positional plagiocephaly and cranial dysmorphism, torticollis, infantile postural asymmetries, twisted legs, hip dysplasia, reflux and vomiting, colic, constipation, irritability and sleep disturbances, recurrent ear infections, respiratory disorders, headaches
Pregnancy and post-partum assistance
The “American Osteopathic Association guidelines for osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) for patients with low back pain", published in the JAOA, demonstrate the efficacy of osteopathic manipulative treatment in chronic nonspecific low back pain.
Those updated in 2016 show that Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT) not only improves the functional status in patients, significantly reducing chronic, acute and non-specific pain in chronic non-specific low back pain, but is also effective in the case of pregnant women and in the post -partum.
Other symptomatic conditions in which OMT has good efficacy results are gastroesophageal reflux, irritable bowel syndrome and coccygodynia (coccyx pain). In addition, among the numerous studies conducted, scientific evidence has shown the effectiveness of osteopathy in the treatment of:
Episodic tension headache, showing a reduction in the average intensity of attacks and the number of symptomatic medications taken;
Dysphonia, with a reduction in pain in the perilaryngeal muscles and a positive influence on the conditions of speech production;
Dysmenorrhea, research shows that a series of five osteopathic treatments over a period of three cycles could be beneficial for women suffering from primary dysmenorrhea;
Irritable bowel syndrome, studies show favorable results for OMT in the management of irritable bowel syndrome when compared with the standard of medical therapies and with placebo interventions.
OMT also has excellent clinical results in the neonatal setting. Newborns with positional plagiocephaly (a morphological deformation of the skull caused by childbirth and incorrect positioning of the newborn) when treated within the first 3 months of life experience 100% resolution in most cases.
Good results are recorded on regurgitation, gastroesophageal reflux and in infantile colic.
In the strictly pediatric context, OMT can help in the case of recurrent otitis media; in postural problems and / or those related to growth and motor development; in children with severe disabilities such as infantile cerebral palsy and spina bifida; in diseases of the respiratory system and in recurrent ENT problems (otolaryngology)