Drinking lemon juice 15 minutes before breakfast improve Your immune system.
Get ready for seasonal changes!
You need just one spoon of juice every day.
Lemon juice is well known for it’s antioxidants and anti-cancer properties.
Rich of Potassium, Calcium, Phosphorus and Magnesium, as well as Iron.
Contains Citric Acid, to purify Your blood, with Anti-bacterial and Anti-viral properties.
Vitamins A, C and B-complex, as well as Carbohydrates and Pectin fibers
Nutrients Chart: Minerals to the left, Vitamins to the right
It’s stronger uses:
Boosts immune system and energy, increases concentration and refresh the mood
Naturaldiuretic, alkalizes the body, remove toxins and helps dissolve gallstones, flushes liver and kidneys, prevents heart failure and high blood pressure
Reduces inflammations, promotes fast healing, repair Lymphatic system
Improves digestion, lost of weight and appetite, against nausea and some Vagal effects
Aids in dental care, and prevents bad breathe
Reduces some bone-related deseases, anemia, cataract and neural tube defect
used in Beauty Care balancing Ph, as a skin-cleaner, anti-aging and hair-lighter