D.O., D.O.A., D.O.C., R.O.I.m.
I.m. She attended the School of Osteopathy C.E.R.D.O. ( Centre pour l’Etude, la Recherche et la Diffusion de l’Ostéopathie) in Rome, earning the Italian bachelor’s degree after six years full time training.
She also earned the French degree Atman School of Nice. She is recognized as a member of the Italian Register of Osteopaths (R.O.I.).
She served at the hospital Fatebenefratelli San Pietro in Rome, during her training at the departments of Pediatrics, Rheumatology, Orthopedisc, Physiotherapy and Emergency Room.
She also served at “Santa Lucia Foundation” and the “Woita” Center.
She completed, during her formation, specific modules for the clinic pregnant woman, the pediatric clinic, the postural dysfuntions related to bite and sight.